Monday, October 27, 2008

Bread, Chickens, Hockey and my first day of work.

On Saturday the group went to a woman's house to learn how to make bread. Her name is Pam and her bread is amazing. She taught us how to knead our dough and how to shape our loaves after the dough has risen. Also, we need to use a LOT of flour or else it becomes a sticky mess. While the bread was baking (in their outdoor oven :O !) Pam and Maddy and I made cinnamon buns (which were fluffy and delicious) and then we ate our bread with some turkey and beef stew. Oh good lord was it tasty. And they had a cute dog named Mike.

Mike actually looks like a demon dog because of the red eye...but we will ignore that.

Then we went to a chicken farm belonging to a couple (betty and ...Ben?) and Maddy and I occupied ourselves with chasing chickens. And we have video evidence. It's actually really funny. Maddy kissed a chicken....and I pretended to.

We also made our group contract and promised to eat vegetarian for two to three days a week (because our PL is vegetarian and because meat is expensive) and we also vowed to speak only French or English on alternating days to try and help our second language abilities.

The next day we got to sleep in for the first time since we started the program. I slept until 9:30 am. Omg. 9:30 is sleeping in! When did that happen?

We had cinnamon buns for breakfast and made a huge GO! Diesels GO! banner (which is now hanging on our living room wall) and murdered the gold and black sharpie markers in the process. The Diesels are the very well loved local Junior AA hockey team. I just found out I like Junior AA hockey. All the boys are around my age in Juniour AA hockey. Mmmm hockey boys. Basically the girls and Simon spent the game oggling all the boys and being generally inappropriate. And their coach lives two houses down from our house! Mr. Bob Spadoni. So I guess that means that there will possibly be hockey boys around our house....maybe? Mmm hockey boys. DON'T WORRY! I promise that these next few months will not be an incubation period. There will be no bundle of joy. But we didn't spend the whole time looking at boys. We also actually watched them play hockey...but we mostly just debated who was cuter or taller or more muscly. Not that we could really tell with those helmets and padding. They won their game and that was exciting. It was against the Thunder Bay something or others and this win ended a five game losing streak. YAY!

So that was yesterday. Today was our first day of work. I was at Schreiber Elementary Public School and there is a population of around 40 students. ONLY. The whole school is 40 students. I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN A ZERO. So the class of 14 I was in was a mix Grade 4/5/6 class. :O And the teacher's (Ms. Wiznuik) daughter is in her class. Weird.

I did a lot of photocopying today because the teacher didn't know I was coming, but that's okay. I was a last minute addition. I was supposed to be at the Adult Learning Centre, but they wanted me at the school too, so Terri decided to change it. I can't wait to see what the library is like tomorrow. I really wonder what, besides stacking shelves, I'll be doing. Apparently I will be doing some after school programming and stuff. And they have everything there. A photo printing thingy (I'll be like you Suneet!) and guitar hero and the librarian wants to start a graveyard tour...And I would probably be running it. That would be so wicked, and cold, but mostly wicked. So if that is what she wants to do it would be fun. I realize now that I wouldn't be able to have the kids all day. They are kind of crazy.. I'll be happy of the quiet in the library.

Oh and we are figuring out what to do for Halloween. I think I'm going to be an alien. I don't have all the logistics figured out yet, but I will make this alien thing work. Only, I'm going to have to be something else for the school (she wants me to work there on the Friday for the party which will be lots of fun).

That's all Folks!


1 comment:

Jessy A. B. said...

I felt so left out at the hockey game, you all had boys to ogle, but there weren't any good looking girls for me to ogle...