Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Today we woke up to winter white! It's so beautiful. A blanket of white on every surface and small flakes falling down from the sky. However beautiful it is, snow can be annoying when you live 15 kms from your work. However, before admitting defeat to the roads and snow, we had to atleast try to get up the two hills on East Grove Court. The roads were plowed, but there had been some more snow falling since then, so we were not sure if we would be able to get to the highway (which we hoped would be well plowed, or else we were turning around). It was not to be. We motored our way up the first hill, pressing down on the gas and yet traveling at a snail's pace. Oh dear. This was going to be harder than we thought. When we approached the second hill Alyssanne pressed down on the gas but to no effect. We were going backwards, and into the side of the road! Umm...uh oh. Alyssanne jumped out of the car to see what was wrong and promptly hit an ice patch and fell! It was pretty funny. She is so short that it just looked like she was in the window one second, and gone the next! When we understood that the truck was stuck Sarah, Rosie and I ended up getting out of the truck. Sarah ran down the hill (and fell fantastically, feet up in the air and everthing) and went back to the house, while Rosie and I got behind the truck and started pushing it forward so Alyssanne could turn the wheels and get straightened out. She drove backwards, back down the hill to a place where she could turn around and go back home. We were well and truely defeated by a slippery hill. Four season tires are not meant for the partially cleared streets of East Grove Court.

We had worked it out that if the Schreiber people were not able to get to work due to snow, we would go with the Terrace Bay people to their jobs. I ended up calling everyone's work to tell them that we wouldn't be able to come into work today and then went and put on my winter boots. I went with Rosie and Alyssanne back up the slippery hill, and walked very slowly in fear of falling. I really hate it when I slip on ice. I'm so tall that I have much longer to fall down and it always hurts so much. Rosie and I went to the Family Place and Terrace Bay Public School for the day while Alyssanne went to the Senior Center. Simon and Sarah also went to the Senior Center, but they had a ride and actually passed us on their way there.

It was very quiet today. Since the Family Place is a drop in center there weren't very many people. The only child in the place was actually the daughter of the only employee there besides Rosie and I. And in the school I worked with the Gr. 3/4 class. It was much like Schreiber, and actually the two schools share a principal, french teacher, and a few other teachers as well.

It was a pretty standard day if you don't include the snow, but fun all the same.


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